rift, 2011, plastic, textiles, nylon, dimensions variable; from the corner of your eye, 2008, plastic, wire, tape; ring, 2011, metal, wire, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne

rift, 2011, plastic, textiles, nylon, dimensions variable; ahu, 2011, glass, metal, wood, silicon, dimensions variable; ring, 2011, metal, wire, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne

rift, 2011, plastic, textiles, nylon, dimensions variable; kamikaze, 2011, wire, dimensions variable; ring, 2011, metal, wire, dimensions variable; fathom V, 2011, paint, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne

crystal silence V, 2011, wire beads, 38 x 35 x 16cm; ring, 2011, metal, wire, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne

ahu, 2011, glass, metal, wood, silicon, dimensions variable; chlumpä, 2006, nylon, diameter 5cm
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne

pitch, 2011 nylon, 67 x 10 x 12cm
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne

crystal silence V, 2011, wire beads, 38 x 35 x 16cm
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne

kamikaze, 2011, wire, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne

from the corner of your eye, 2008, plastic, wire, tape, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne

ahu, 2011, glass, metal, wood, silicon, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne

chlumpä, 2006, nylon, diameter 5cm
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne

rift, 2011, plastic, textiles, nylon, dimensions variable; from the corner of your eye, 2008, plastic, wire, tape; ring, 2011, metal, wire, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne
rift, 2011, plastic, textiles, nylon, dimensions variable; ahu, 2011, glass, metal, wood, silicon, dimensions variable; ring, 2011, metal, wire, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne
rift, 2011, plastic, textiles, nylon, dimensions variable; kamikaze, 2011, wire, dimensions variable; ring, 2011, metal, wire, dimensions variable; fathom V, 2011, paint, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne
crystal silence V, 2011, wire beads, 38 x 35 x 16cm; ring, 2011, metal, wire, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne
ahu, 2011, glass, metal, wood, silicon, dimensions variable; chlumpä, 2006, nylon, diameter 5cm
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne
pitch, 2011 nylon, 67 x 10 x 12cm
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne
crystal silence V, 2011, wire beads, 38 x 35 x 16cm
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne
kamikaze, 2011, wire, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne
from the corner of your eye, 2008, plastic, wire, tape, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne
ahu, 2011, glass, metal, wood, silicon, dimensions variable
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne
chlumpä, 2006, nylon, diameter 5cm
stray currents, 2011, Towner, Eastbourne